Coaching is more and more than set up goals and their achievement. I am an Inner Wisdom & Law of Attraction Coach, because I guide to connect my clients to their deepest part, their Inner Wisdom, which knows everything. Most of my clients have a certain awareness about the Law of Attraction, and they discover more and more about it, working on themselves with my guidance. It’s just one of the results my clients reach in working with me.
One common issue is a lack of self esteem, on which I work a lot with my clients. I give them some techniques to look at them for who they really are: divine creatures with an infinite power. As soon as they increase their self confidence, finally loving themselves, putting themselves at the No 1 of the list, they have a vibrational shift. When they look at themselves with “the look of Self Love”, they increase their vibrations and they start to have manifestations in their lives.
Clients tell me they would like to increase their prosperity in their lives (prosperity is everything; money is a part of it). They refer that other people notice their change, in the way how they deal with themselves and others, others feel the higher vibrations. In this last case, that’s because, they change the relationship with themselves. We can say that everyone is magic and my clients start to express their infinite power, increasing the faith in themselves. They discover that when they are in a wonderful flow, they have incredible manifestations in their lives.
If you would like to work with me:
You can Create and Clarify Your Vision, through:
- Powerful Questions;
- Intuitive Listening;
- Creative Techniques;
- Removing Barriers & “Shoulds”;
- Accessing Soul Whispering.
You can Discover and Enjoy…
- Your Passions;
- Your Gifts;
- Your Best Options;
- Your Resources;
- Your Purpose.
You can be Empowered by:
- Inspired Actions;
- Accountability by Choice;
- Your Success!
I’m like a GPS for my clients (Global Positioning System: a navigation system that allows users to determine their exact location); I’m aside them and “we sail” together in the beautiful sea, called Life. Sometimes, someone can have a storm to face and I’m ready to help my client in facing it, such as working on the fears, which disappear very often at the end of a session. The most beautiful thing to see is the expansion of my clients Soul. This way, they enlight themselves. “Enlighten yourself and you will become a ‘Lighthouse’ for Everyone”, affirms one of my quotes.
"I am totally plugged in and living proof of how effective your coaching is xx" –
"I would just like to say that Linda is a GREAT coach. I had a conversation with her about something that was bothering my brains. By the time we ended the conversation, I was feeling so much better and was looking at the situation 4m a totally different angle. I felt I was going downstream with the advices she gave. Thanks Linda and all the best always".
"Linda 'ferried' my Wonderful Soul towards Light. A Journey of the Soul, A Journey which I would never have been able to do without this Compass. I lost myself, without knowing where to go and what to do...but now, I know where I'm going and 'Everywhere' I want to go!".
Stefania Matassa,
One to One with Linda Page:
Free 30 minutes coaching session, from 1st June to 30th June 2010,
for those who are interested in the One to One and want to try my coaching practise.
“Summer Package”
One to One with Linda:
Starting from 1st June to 30th June, new clients can access to the “Summer Package” (I work on a monthly basis), which consists of:
- e-mail support (unlimited mails);
- 4 hour coaching sessions by Skype/phone in total in a month;
- Discount of 20% on the regular price.
Feel free to contact me at linda.lattuca@gmail.com