Saturday, 28 August 2010

Karma and Law of Attraction

One of my strongest beliefs is the Law of Karma, one of the Universal Laws, called the Law of “Cause and Effect”. Karma is a Sanskrit word which means “Action”. Basically, the principle of this law is: everything you put out in a Now Moment of your life will come back to you one day. And how it will come back to you is exactly what you put out in a certain Now Moment of your life, in terms of thoughts, feelings, actions and omissions. Recently, I thought to Karma again and again, relating it to the Law of Attraction.

What is happening in our life is the result of our thoughts, feelings, actions and omissions of our present life and, at the same time, the collection of effects, which come as result of Now Moments of past lives. I believe in Reincarnation, because I think that there is so much to learn and that one life is not enough! When you believe in Reincarnation and Karma, you finally understand why certain events (sometimes tragic) happen in your life.

Many people think that Karma has only a negative connotation, but it has not. Someone thinks that Karma is only “a debt, something to pay”. And what about the credits? How much are we receiving in this life? That’s the result of causes, good ones, we put out in this life or past lives. Unfortunately, it’s common to focus the attention only on “debts”, never on “credits”. It’s good to thank for all we are receiving in this life, doing a daily appreciation exercise, which help us to increase our vibration.

When we face a tough situation, the best thing we can do is looking at it from a higher perspective (you need just to train yourself in doing that!), accepting the “effect” which is coming back. If we flow, accepting the situation, we will face it easier, we will receive help in many cases or the situation will solve by itself. When we are not able to accept what is happening in our life, we crash, we don’t flow. Like Bruce Lee adviced in a fabulous video, the best thing to do is “being like water”, flowing and flowing, not crashing. Only this way, we will be connected with the Source, being in a good flow, although the situation outside us. The most important thing is how the “situation” inside us.

Since many years, I strongly believe in Karma and thanks to this awareness I was able to face my tough moments looking at them from a higher perspective, having a “helicopter view”, so to speak! For these reasons, it’s very important to focus our attention on our better thoughts, feelings, actions, paying attention to omissions (especially for those who have a high level of spiritual knowledge. They know more and for this reason they are more responsible for), not only in terms of Law of Attraction, but also in terms of Karma.

We are creating our present life and at the same time our next one/ones. When you understand who you really are, you pay attention more and more to what you think, say, do and don’t do. Karma and Law of Attraction are “hand in hand”.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

I come from Eternity, I go to Eternity

This title comes from one of the greatest teachings I received from my Spiritual Master Swami Maheshananda, who came into my life in 1999 and who I still follow. This blog post is especially dedicated to my dear friend Tina Sledger. Last June, Tina and many other friends on Facebook were affected by the “death” of one of their best friends. Everyone disappeared during almost a month from Facebook and for Tina this was a very tough moment. One night, I coached her telling her many of the things I’m going to write here and sharing with all of you. In this last period, I was affected by 3 losses: 2 in Sicily and a special friend, who had hosted my mum, 2 friends of mine and I in 1987, in London.

The night I coached Tina, I told her that we have to label everything in this dimension and humans decided to use the label “death” to call the end of the vital parameters. The point is that there is no end, like when a film is finished at the cinema, because “your film” carries on in another dimension, that you will match, depending on your spiritual development, as a result of the last life you had and the previous ones. It’s related to the Law of Attraction, do you see it?

The Soul who “dies” sees himself/herself, coming outside from the body, looking at that body, looking maybe at everyone else who is in despair for that. Many souls don’t realise to be in another dimension, when they passed away; they need some time to realise it and most of the times they receive help from other spiritual beings. I know perfectly that many of you will feel uncomfortable in reading this blog post because of the fear of the death.

Death doesn’t exist, because like my Master used to say: “Death is just a change of dress”. It’s a soul’s expansion overcoming the fear of the death and it is one of the most important achievements we can have in this life. Work on it, it is so important. How? First of all, be aware that you are deciding, being in charge of your life, to overcome the fear about something which doesn’t exist. It is a non issue, so to speak! Try to focus your attention on what you are choosing in this life, in terms of thoughts, feelings, actions and omissions.

Another important thing you can do for you, related to this “passage” is working on your attachments. Don’t be attached to anything/anyone. If you will be conscious and you will understand you are leaving this dimension, focus your attention to one of the spiritual beings you believe (if you are a believer): it could be Jesus, The Virgin Mary, a Saint, Allah, Buddha, Krishna…Don’t think to the family, friends, money, properties, jewellery you are leaving, because if you express attachments you need to come back again to understand that it is better to not have attachments.

We are more than a body; we are spiritual beings in a body, which is the temple of our soul. We come to this dimension, because we didn’t understand some lessons. We didn’t understand “who” we really are, but when we understand it we are not submitted to the Law of Karma anymore and you resurge, you are saved from coming back again and again on this planet. And like it happens when you got a diploma, you can pass to another level of learning: you can live in another dimension, experiencing something else. Anyway, that happens in our “intermediate” lives, before coming again on the Earth. Remember that we are eternal beings, because “we come from Eternity and we go to Eternity”.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Work with me to see Beautiful Manifestations in your Life

I'm the Coach who gives you:

- Clarity about how to exploit of the Law of Attraction in your Life;

- High values and Professionalism;

- Guidance at affordable rates with a friendly approach.

Work with me to see Beautiful Manifestations in your Life.

Contact me NOW!!!

Monday, 2 August 2010

On 5th August 2010, my Interview with Lorna Blake on Blog Talk Radio

On Thursday 5th August, at 8 pm EST, I will be interviewed by Lorna Blake on her Radio Show "Empowered Yourself", on Blog Talk Radio.

I will answer to the questions, just posted by my followers on Facebook: Burning Questions around the Law of Attraction.

It will be an Empowering Show!

Follow this link to listen to the interview and Tune in!