This blog post is about desires and their manifestation. Maybe, you have never thought about that in these terms, but everything is a desire in our life. Everything comes from a desire. Even when you want to have a glass of water is a desire! When you turn the key of your car to go somewhere, turning that key is a desire. Normally, we don’t think about all the desires we express everyday, because we do it automatically more and more than we could think. We are not aware of the incredible amount of desires we express on our daily life. We think that desires are only a beautiful house, a holiday, a job, a lover, a baby…
Some months ago, I wrote many scripts in which I described in detail many of my desires. Many of them were related to my coaching practice and other to attract objects/people/ situations. Since some months, I’m working on attracting money, releasing any contrast inside myself. I did many things, such as watching videos on YouTube about manifesting money from many sources. One of my favourite ones is Esther Hicks/Abraham. She is one of the most important contributors to the understanding of the Law of Attraction.
I used different techniques to reach the manifestation of what I wanted. I started with a technique I literally love: scripting. It consists in writing a sort of story of what you want, focusing the attention, your energy on any detail of what you want. I like using this technique with clients, because I found it very powerful. Then, I used another fantastic technique: the visualization.
During these last months I had beautiful manifestations, one after one, and many of the things I wrote just happened. I give some examples. I desired to be interviewed and this happened various times. Then, I desired to do teleseminars and Lorna Blake contacted me to ask me to be among the 10 women in her tele-summit series, as the only coach representing Europe. I was very honoured and my happiness for that increased my vibrations more and more. Now, Lorna and I consider ourselves Soul Sisters!
I wrote I wanted to attract beautiful souls in my life and this happened, too. In these last few months, I met personally or on Facebook many wonderful friends. Some women among them became like sisters for me. We understand each other perfectly. The Universe knows how to do its job perfectly! Lol
Among my desires about objects to attract, there were a Dell laptop and a new mobile, an i-Phone. Today, I manifest my new Dell Laptop, thanks to which I’m writing this new blog post. First, I manifest the money I received as gift from my parents, during my last holidays in Sicily. So, I understood my vibrational work on money, my prayers to Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of Prosperity and Abundance) and visualizations worked wonderfully. I had this desire since one year and now, at this moment in time, I became the perfect match to my dreamed laptop. I bought it in God’s shops, so to speak. Yep, because when we attract what we want, we emit a certain frequency to match our desire. This is the sort of “qualification” you need to be able to go inside God’s shops. About the mobile, apparently in few weeks I will have it. I changed my mind about attracting an i-Phone. I received so many signs about it wouldn’t have been the right choice. I attracted many information about a better one, the Android Desire (look at the name of this model). Let’s see.
How attracted all these things, which there are just some examples of what I attracted during these last months? Initially, I wrote the script, then a little bit of visualization. I told myself that the Universe would have taken care of all the details and that I just made my orders to it. Sometimes, I saw an advertising about a laptop near a bus stop with the slogan: Get One! I told myself mentally: Yes, thank you! Today, I got one!
What I would like to convey you about my personal experiences is:
- Believe in the Law of Attraction, being this law in your life and working 24 hours a day;
- Know more about the Law of Attraction, so you will be able to exploit of it;
- Have clear ideas about what you want, focus your attention/energy on it;
- Make your order to the Universe, don’t be shy in doing that. The Universe is so abundant;
- Have Faith in yourself, in your infinite power of creation, be sure the result is just in your life. Faith is the key thing in the Law of Attraction;
- Although you don’t have money or enough of it to meet your desire in your now, don’t worry about it. Just focus your attention/energy on the final result and perceive that what you want is just in your life, get this feeling;
- Just take care of your flow (the connection with the Source), because this is the most important thing you can do to achieve all the rest;
- Appreciate what you just have in your life, doing a daily appreciation exercise;
- Pray (if you are a believer), telling “thank you so much for receiving ....”. This way, you are expressing your faith 100% about the final result. You are telling: got my desire, thank you God! This is the best move you can do, in terms of the Law of Attraction.
When you have a desire, don’t be attached to the result. Just place your “order” into the Universe, having the thought and feeling that your desire is just realised in your life. Feel the joy, excitement, happiness about you got just the result . If you express pure and clear vibration, you will aligned energetically to attract what you want. The key thing is Faith 100%! Only this way, you will connect yourself to Kamaloca (word from Sanskrit: Kama = Desires; Loca = Places), the vibrational plan of the desires and you will attract whatever you like…everything, everything, everything.
Another beautiful manifestation of today is about my group on Facebook “Expansion of Your Wonderful Souls”, which counts more than 850 members. Few months ago, we were 250. The energy on my group’s wall is wonderful and many of my friends love to come there to post beautiful content. I’m very grateful to God, to all the Spiritual Beings who help me (I know and had proofs about that) for all these beautiful manifestations. By the way, this blog is one of the greatest ones of these last few months, together with the Group on Facebook. Go inside God’s shop! I can assure you that the customer service is more than excellent! When you have such kind of experience, you want to shop more and more there. Finally, I can touch what my eyes dreamed on.
Wow...Fantastic Linda....I am shopping in GOD's shop and everything I want is available there :) thanks a lot my dear friend for such a wonderful post <3