Have you just discovered your purpose in life? First of all, did you make the time to discover it? People who don’t have purpose in life normally experience self-esteem’s issue. Make the time “to dive” into your Within. It’s courageous, I know, not simple but magic, at the same time. Would you like to live this fabulous adventure called life like a dead walking human being? I hope your reply is: No, I wouldn’t!
When you find your purpose in life, every day is a new way to express your Genius level, your creativity, compassion, love and care. You feel good and important. You work hard, but you know you are going to leave a great legacy, you know you can change the course of many lives.
I found my purpose more than 10 years ago, but I didn’t have the courage to follow it, making excuses, the most common ones: no enough money, any specific title (I am full of titles, but I hadn’t the one on that specific field) and the place where I used to live. I gave up my dream. Since one year, this time my soul’s whisper was too strong and I had to consider it! How did I find my purpose in life? Simple, but not easy: hearing myself, being totally honest with myself. Since 2000, I wanted to have a great impact on others’ lives. I dreamed to empower people and organisations. My foundations were/are my great value, such as honesty, integrity, compassion (my best technique with clients like I love to say), also my life and managerial experience.
I understood that all I did in the past, such as being a manager, a journalist, working in the field of communication, PR and organisation of events, was a preparation for what I am doing now. My great foundations are also the spiritual teachings I receive since 1999, which induced me to make a difference on others’ lives. I realized the great impact I have in others’ lives by my words (the more we are steady in the Truth, the more are words become very powerful; they are like blasts of light), my example, walking my talk. My “Holy Hour” was too precious to me to discover my purpose in life and it is what “feeds the fire in my belly and my passion” for what I do.
I didn’t know that coaching was what I wanted to do, but one year ago I discovered it, looking inside myself. I started to study it, attending a course in London and learning from many sources: books, seminars, other colleagues I respect, who are in the field of personal coaching and executive/leadership coaching.
Since I found my purpose in life, I changed myself a lot and my life changed. Our outer world is an expression of our inner world. In pursuing my dream, I discovered parts of myself I couldn’t imagine, such as having fun in dealing with technology. I set up my blog, my website and webmail forms on my own, managing html codes. It was a great challenge and great fun. This way, I increased my self-esteem especially in the area of IT.
Goals are different from the purpose, because they are the medium to realize your purpose. It’s fundamental to set goals…if you want to be successful, of course! Also finding your purpose in life is fundamental. You don’t need to become another Mother Teresa, if you don’t want to. Everyone is important to God’s eyes, I love to say and every purpose is important.
Be aware that everyone can play at Genius Level, if we decide to awake the Genius who lies in our Within. Be aware that everyone can have an impact on others’ lives and it doesn’t matter what you do, where you live, if you have money…you can make a difference in how you do what you do! Smile at life and give a genuine smile to everyone you meet. You are wonderful; you are a “Masterpiece of Art”.
Lead from Within!
Linda Lattuca
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