Sailing is a great metaphor of life. It's a great way to have fun,
increasing family spirit, increasing the confidence of your children. ~ Linda Lattuca
Yesterday, I received a beautiful message from a dad, who was asking me "to teach him something about life and spirituality". He told me he became dad recently and would like to be the best dad for his son.
I told him that the best he can do is giving his example and be congruent with what he will tell him. If parents tell to their children how much important is learning and then they stay hours in front of TV, do you think that it is congruency?
Stop parenting and develop your children. Be the best example you want to be for them. If you want to teach them to be courageous, show them how courage you have!
Go and visit museums/art galleries with your children to show them beauty, art, inspiration, genius level; play with them in nature; go sailing with them staying in the elements and with the elements; switch off TV and arrange evenings in reading a great book together; cook with your children, having a lot of fun; travel with your children to open their mind and give them permission to travel with the school (some parents in my country they don't give it for their fears, preventing them from having great new experiencies. That's egoism!). These are only few things that came into my mind.
We are the product of our parents, in terms of self-beliefs, values, habits...
Work on your self-discovery to transmit positive beliefs to your children, to teach them by your example the best way "to sail in the sea of Life".
Linda Lattuca
"Lead from Within"
Linda Lattuca
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